Initial Screening

GOOD CASE SELECTION IS KEY!      Does your potential case contain the Four Pillars required to be successful for both Client and Attorney? Let the experts at ADROIT® assist you with a low-cost initial screening of your potential case. The initial screening includes an attorney/client interview, and a brief review of medical records. As part of the consideration, we weigh the pros/cons which may include identifying potential Defendants, negative attributes of the client, venues, and your state’s statutory requirements and limitations. Our goal is to provide information necessary to make a well-informed decision to either move forward or not while keeping costs at a minimum. Ask About Our Tiered Billing Structure

Comprehensive Review

Once a case has successfully passed an initial screening, ADROIT® can perform an in-depth analysis of the case, construct chronologies of events, and identify appropriate experts. Learn More

Medical Litigation Resource

Having a litigation savvy medical resource in your corner allows you to focus on the practice of law. The experts at ADROIT® are available as a resource throughout the litigation process. We can assist with discovery, be a liaison between you and the experts, assist with preparation for depositions, mediation and/or trial. We are also available to be on-site as a resource during depositions, mediations, trial prep, and trial. This may include the creation of multi-media visually appealing and persuasive demonstrative evidence. Learn More

Why is ADROIT® An Invaluable Asset to Your Litigation Team?

ADROIT® Medical Litigation Resource uses a synergistic approach to medical-related litigation. Our professionals view medical cases through the eyes of the legal system. Cases are won or lost on the strength of the evidence, the credibility of the experts, human factors, and the ability of the legal team to bring it all together. ADROIT® serves as a linchpin between the medical and legal worlds. Success is determined not by what we believed occurred, but rather by what we can prove in a court of law. ADROIT® is your resource to make a difference at the outset and avoid unnecessary loss.

medical litigation collaboration legal nurse consulting confidence synergistic approach to victory

Next Steps…

Your next step should be to contact ADROIT ®   about becoming a part of your team. Call to Action